Zhuo Wang

Hi, I am Zhuo Wang (王焯) (pronounced as Jwo Wang). I received the B.E. and B.E. (Hons) degrees from Northeastern University (China), Shenyang, Liaoning, P.R. China and the University of Dundee🐧, Dundee, Scotland in 2023, respectively. From September 2019 to June 2022, I studied at Northeastern University (China). From September 2022 to June 2023, I went to the University of Dundee to complete my final project. Advised by Dr. Perelli, Alessandro and work closedly with Prof. Qi, Lin. Currently, I'm pursuing my Master of Science degree at Brown University🐻, Providence, Rhode Island, USA. As a member of the Laboratory for Engineering Man/Machine Systems (LEMS), advised by Prof. Kimia, Benjamin.

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My research interests are in 3D computer vision (visual odometry), deep learning and generative modeling. In particular, I focus on how to implement reconstruction and tracking camera motion in endoscopic videos.


10/2023, I joined LEMS as a Research Assistant.
08/2023, I moved to Providence and started my master's studies at Brown University.
07/2023, I started to work at Hazel Investment Co., Ltd. as a Machine Learning Intern.
06/2023, I graduated from Northeastern University (China) & the University of Dundee.
09/2022, I moved to Dundee and started my final year of undergraduate studies.

Beyond Academics

I hail from Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Shenzhen is really a wonderful place. I love it so much!

In my spare time, I'm interested in soccer (Arsenal is my favourite soccer club), travel (I've been to 15 countries/regions. Keep adventuring!), reading and general exploring.

"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
— President John F. Kennedy

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Design and source code from this cool guy and aragakiyuiii, thank them very much.